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Found 116 solutions
Anamaya - The Tribal Health Collaborative

Anamaya - The Tribal Health Collaborative

Piramal Swasthya Management and Research Institute
OpenCRVS, Ensuring All Lives Count by First Being Counted

OpenCRVS, Ensuring All Lives Count by First Being Counted

Plan International USA
MAREC CAMBODIA (Multi-Actors Response for Early Childhood in Cambodia)
Child educational development

MAREC CAMBODIA (Multi-Actors Response for Early Childhood in Cambodia)

Planète Enfants & Développement
Build A World Of Play Challenge
The First One Thousand Days of Play in Australia
Adult peer mentoring

The First One Thousand Days of Play in Australia

Playgroup Queensland Ltd d/b/a Play Matters Australia
Build A World Of Play Challenge
Vision 4 Africa: Joining Forces to Tackle the Blindness Crisis

Vision 4 Africa: Joining Forces to Tackle the Blindness Crisis

Project Orbis International, Inc.
DRIP - Ending Drought Emergencies in the Horn of Africa
Water access, sanitation and hygiene

DRIP - Ending Drought Emergencies in the Horn of Africa

The Regents of the University of Colorado
Newborn Essential Solutions and Technologies (NEST360)

Newborn Essential Solutions and Technologies (NEST360)

Rice 360° Institute for Global Health
Finalist / 100&Change: 2017
Texas Carbon Market: The Key to Environment, Economy and Resilience
Climate Change & Environment

Texas Carbon Market: The Key to Environment, Economy and Resilience

Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy
Finalist / Lone Star Prize

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