Supporting Smallholder Farmers as Climate, Food, and Economic Leaders

Buen Manejo del Campo, SA de CV - will fight hunger, poverty, and climate change by empowering 100 million smallholder farms—producers of 70 percent of the world’s food—to turn their organic waste into renewable energy and fertilizer.

Last Updated: January 2024
Competition Participation
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food security-child
  • Colombia
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Mexico
  • Uganda
  • Cambodia
  • Mozambique
  • Rwanda
  • Senegal
  • Zimbabwe
  • Economically disadvantaged people
  • Farmers
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Women (19+)
  • 1. No poverty
  • 2. Zero hunger
  • 7. Affordable and clean energy

Executive Summary

The world’s most important challenges—poverty, food security, and climate change—intersect at smallholder farms around the world. Smallholders produce 70 percent of the world’s food, yet live trapped in poverty, and threatened by climate change. Agriculture represents a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, while climate change threatens global food production. is a proven combination of technology, training, and financing that creates infrastructure and capacity on farms to convert waste into renewable energy and fertilizer. This allows farmers to improve the economic and health conditions of their households, while increasing the productivity and sustainability of their farms. Farmers reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our food systems, while locking carbon into the soil. We will leverage your funding with another $500 million in farmer payments, carbon funding, and private investment to reach 10 million farms and create a pathway to serve over 100 million farms with climate-smart technology.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

Buen Manejo del Campo, SA de CV -

Organization Headquarters
Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal, Mexico
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
101 to 300
Annual Operating Budget
$1.0 to 5 Million
For profit

Corporation, partnership, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.


In 2023, installed the same number of biodigesters that it installed over a period of 12 years (2010-2022). The company has leveraged partnerships to reach more farmers at scale, and has incorporated in impact-linked financing to ensure its technology reached farmers at the bottom of the pyramid, who can benefit the most. is on track to impact over 1 million people by 2025, reducing emissions and generating economic savings in each farm where it operates.

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