Keeping Girls Safe and in School in Sub-Saharan Africa

World Vision, Inc.

World Vision and World Education will bolster community norms that value and protect adolescent girls and will support governments to build educational systems that retain girls in school.

Last Updated: August 2023
Competition Participation
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  • Eswatini
  • Uganda
  • Zimbabwe
  • Eswatini
  • Rwanda
  • Uganda
  • Zimbabwe
  • At-risk youth
  • Children & Youth (0-18 yrs.)
  • Women and girls (all ages)
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4. Quality education
  • 5. Gender equality

Executive Summary

Fifty million girls in Sub-Saharan Africa are not in school, and half of Sub-Saharan women under the age of 14 experience Gender-Based Violence (GBV), preventing vast populations of girls and women from reaching their potential. Africa’s girls are straining under poverty and gender inequities brought by school dropout—a consequence of forced sexual encounters, other GBV, and restrictive gender norms. These must be dismantled. To achieve that objective, governments need to build systems that retain girls in school.

Working in four countries, World Vision and World Education will scale evidence-based, Early Warning Systems that identify students before they drop out and offer tailored responses to retain them in school. In tandem, we will empower communities to confront gender-restrictive norms using tested socio-ecological models, civic outreach, and mass media.

Together, these interventions will significantly reduce Gender-Based Violence, empower adolescent girls to stay in school, and build a foundation of opportunity for generations.

Organization Details
Lead Organization

World Vision, Inc.

Organization Headquarters
Washington, United States of America
Organization ID
Number of Full-time Employees
> 1,000
Annual Operating Budget
> $1 Billion

Charity, fund, non-governmental organization, religious institution, school, or other entity

Organizations may provide budget and employee data based on this proposal or the organization as a whole. For more information on this proposal or organization, please email us.


World Vision has continued to work very actively in Uganda and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa during COVID-19 and has had a regional COVID-19 specific response in 26 African countries. Those actions have helped more than 28.8 million people, including more than 11 million children.

We have focused on child protection, access to clean water and sanitation, and providing tools and education materials to girls and boys who have not been allowed to return to school due to lockdowns. We also are providing training to community health workers and families to help with a range of issues, including family planning, pregnancy, malaria, polio, and maternal, child, and neonatal health issues, and COVID-19 education. In addition, we are providing PPE and other COVID-19 support to health care workers and communities they serve. We are providing micro-loans and training to rural farmers, helping them generate new income; and we are concentrating on economic opportunities and savings groups for women and girls.

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